Sunday, August 16, 2015

A Teenage girl's bathtime

You gotta love teenage girls! 

Below is a fun poem about girls-- please don't miss the one below it for BOYS. 
You gotta love boys too. I know I had fun seeing the vast differences in my kids as they were growing up.  These two poems say it all. Well the boy's bathtime poem doesn't say a lot, but it actually does say a lot.  :)

Ode to a teenage girl's bathtime

I've got to get into the shower
My ride will be here in one hour!

I'll use all the hot water and not waste a minute-
I'll keep everyone waiting, won't let anyone in it!

This bathroom' off limits, it's mine for an hour.
Can't you guys wait for me while I shower?

My hair takes forever to dry, don't you see?
My makeup must be applied perfectly.

Do you think these jeans make me look fat? 
I just can't get ready any faster than that!!

Ode to a boy's bathtime

I'm in and i'm out,
What's all the fuss about?

...... And it really was just like that, wasn't it Mario and Billy and Jennie??  
Love you!  Mom

We had this sign on our bathroom wall when the kids were growing up:

1 comment:

  1. Some things never change in life! However I will say as the boys got older their time spent primping definitely increased!


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