Sunday, March 22, 2015

Extreme Online Dating story- Watch for Red Flags

Al with red flag by dominiquechappardI promise, this happened, and it can happen to you too. 

On a very well-known online dating site, my friend was contacted by a “guy”(at this point we are not sure it really was a guy, but he was convincing, and the profile pics uploaded indicated that he was, so we will start off by saying, it was a guy).

They began instant messaging back and forth and emailing thru the website…but if you have ever been on one of these sites, sometimes there is a time lag in communications,

and it’s much quicker to communicate if you give the person your cell number to text/email…

So that is what she did.  Nothing more.  The “guy” would text her and say nice things, and eventually after a few weeks they started speaking on the phone, however limited.  He had a distinct accent, but she couldn’t quite place it…he told her his family was Swedish, but he now lived in England, so it was a combination of the two.  He would text her “good night”. 
He would text her “good morning beautiful”.   She liked that.
He knew all the right buttons to push to play on her vulnerabilities.  She actually enjoyed hearing from him and the limited attention he was bestowing upon her across the oceans. 

Red Flag #1

        He told her he wanted to come over during the Christmas holiday and visit her in her country. 

Red Flag #2

After about a month of this, he mentioned he had an eight year old son, and would she like to speak to him?  He actually put the “son” on the phone who immediately asked her if she was going to be his new Mommy…I am not making this up. 

There were so many red flags up through this point, but for whatever reasons, she chose to continue the banter back and forth with this “guy”. 

Red Flag #3

 She asked him to SKYPE with her so that she could see him face to face, but he always had a reason why it wasn't a good was down, travelling that day, not going to be at his computer that day.   

The final blow did come however, and this is where we get into the real scam at hand.  After 2 to 3 months of their communications back and forth over the phone, he finally told her that he had a contracting job come available to him and he was travelling to Africa.  He would be in touch with her once he was there, and then he would for sure SKYPE with her.  

That time never came because when he “arrived” in Africa, he lost his wallet and had no way to pay his hotel bill, he didn’t know who else to contact and so he thought of his new “friend”.  Could she please wire him $500 and as soon as he got everything straightened out he would pay her back?  Or better yet, when he came to visit over the holidays he would surely pay her back. 


Ladies, this is a true and very recent story.

Please don’t be a victim.  My friend thankfully was not.  She told “him” she didn’t have that kind of money and would not be sending it.  He tried to put a guilt trip on her and told her if she really cared about him she would help him out and send the money without questioning him.  He really tried to work it to his advantage, but she did not succumb. 

She did report it to the dating service,, but to this day they have not acknowledged or followed up with any course of action.  Basically, it is BUYER BEWARE. They do not accept responsibility for the people who sign up on their site.  It is up to you to screen and do background checks on your own. 

And by the way, anyone can sign up and put any picture on there that they so desire….it may or may not be them!  It could be a huge Ethiopian woman sitting in a cubicle getting paid peanuts to scam as many people as she can, getting commissions on the monies brought in… may never know for sure!   So please, in the extreme world of ONLINE DATING, Please, BUYERS BEWARE.

Has this happened to you, or someone you know?   please share your stories!