When we were teenagers the whole dating scene was SOOOOO much different. Pretty simple really.
Anyone we even thought about dating was in our social circle somehow. They were in class with us, in class with a friend, they lived in our neighborhood, they went to our church, were related to our neighbor's dear Aunt Sally.....I mean, we NEVER dated a stranger. We knew them, had grown up with them, or someone in our social circle knew them and could vouch for them, right?But, this dating in your fifties thing. It is soo complicated at times, it makes you wonder truly is it all worth it? Why don't I want to just navigate the rest of my life single really?? hmmmmm

I know the answer to that. Because I am a TRUE SOCIAL being, and I love to be around others and share and joke and laugh and live and work.
The dating pool is narrow the older you get, and online dating was a choice that myself and my friends in similar circumstances decided to try out.....the problem with that is this: There is noone to vouch for this guy you meet online, except himself. Therein lies the problem.
Anyone out there have a dating in your fifties story you want to share? I promise I would love to hear it. I have stories to share, I'm just not sure if you are ready for it yet!!!!!
Please stay tuned for more from this Swifftie (my new term for us Single Working Women in our Fifties ).